PSK Uniques
Here we collate routes and exploits that have only been completed the once. Once they are repeated they will earn a page of their own. Until then they reside here in an eclectic list of impressive, inspiring and intriguing paddle exploits...
Image: Bore 'nana
Please read the thoughts on safety: Safety Info Page
PSK Uniques
Thames Descent
Billy Butler
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 16:32:12
Distance: 107.3 nm / 198.8 km
Start Point: Lechlade
Finish Point: Teddington Lock
Start Date: 06-Oct-24
Finish Date: 06-Oct-24
Billy Butler completes a solo supported paddle of the non-tidal, navigable stretch of the Thames. Billy started at Ha'penny Bridge, Lechlade and finished at Teddington Lock. We believe this time sets a new K1 record...
3 Capital Kayak 2024
Mike Conroy
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 87 days
Distance: 0 / 0
Start Point: Sharpness
Finish Point: Cardiff
Start Date: 25-May-24
Finish Date: 06-Oct-24
Tiderace Pace 17?
facebookBlogFrom Mike: "I'm in Cardiff now having just completed my 3 Capital Kayak over the last three months, having started in Sharpness on the Bristol channel and travelled anticlockwise." Mike paddled/walked from the Severn Estuary to the Thames and then paddled the lenght of the river to the sea. From there he paddled along the coastline to Scotland. There he used the canals to cross over to the west coast and then paddled back along the coastline to return to the Severn Estaury, 3 months later. You can follow the adventure on his facebook and blog pages.
Pegasus Birthday Paddle
Mike Ellicock
Cat: Row_CCM1
Elapsed Time: 40:08:11
Distance: 93.3 nm / 172.8 km
Start Point: Lewes
Finish Point: Poole Harbour
Start Date: 27-May-23
Finish Date: 27-May-23
Angus Expedition Rowboat
Mike Ellicock is preparing for a GB Circ attempt, in 2025, rowing his Angus Rowboats Expedition Rowboat around GB.
Here Mike completes a training row of over 172 km - from Lewes to Poole Harbour, a combination of river, estuary and coastal rowing.
Sherkin Island Time Trial
Mike Martin
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 01:25:27
Distance: 6.5 nm / 12 km
Start Point: Horseshoe Harbour
Finish Point:
Start Date: 04-Aug-23
Finish Date: 04-Aug-23
P+H Cetus mv

From Mike:
"So here is my time trial around Sherkin.
This has a nice tidal challenge, as in the 90 mins I complete this in, the tidal flow will not change much. I opted to start an hour after HW on the ebb, 2 days after springs. This gave me a nice assistance on the outward section. Sea state was calm, only a small swell. Then going around the outside of the island, through Gascanane Sound, an infamous piece of water, the flow was strong and against for short pinch points. Easy to get through on a leisure paddle, but less so in a hurry. Anyway I completed it. sets a target for my future attempts, as this would be a regular paddle for me. I am sure I can better this, with more thought on tidal timing / direction / fitness etc. "
We are aware that others have completed this lap, once we have 2 or 3 times we'll add a specific page for the Sherkin Island TT - send 'em in.
Jersey Circumnav
Kevin Mansell
_ Jersey Canoe Club Members
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 06:48:38
Distance: 28 nm / 52 km
Start Point: Point Corbiere
Finish Point:
Start Date: 21-Jun-23
Finish Date: 21-Jun-23
From Kevin:
"The interesting thing about the circumnavigation was that I put it on the Jersey Canoe Club WhatsApp the night before and the group came together. No special training etc, just some normal Wednesday paddlers. One of the group in particular did really well.
PSK Note:
We have added this to our Unique page as we have no details of other attempts. We are aware this route has been paddled previously.
Corsica Circumnav
Tina Reed
Pat Rodgers
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 24 days
Distance: 236 nm / 437 km
Start Point: Ghiatone
Finish Point: Ghiatone
Start Date: 16-Apr-23
Finish Date: 09-May-23

"Here's the route of our trip around Corsica. For the 1000 islands challenge my wife Tina Reed would be chuffed to be added to the list of paddlers! She's very much a novice paddler but has done a lot of endurance events like ultra-marathons and multi-day adventure races in the past. Some pics attached too.
We started on April 16th, after waiting for 3 days for the weather to settle down. We had one rest day - day 17 (May 2) and one short day of 7km because of offshore winds.
I'm curious as to how many people have done this. There doesn't seem to be much of a sea kayaking community here at all and we've been told anecdotally that only about 10 people/ teams have been around.
Obviously, this could be done much much faster (10-12 days easily) and maybe it has already so if you're listing us as the FKT please put the "K" in bog bold caps!!"
Elba Circumnav
Giuseppe Debernardi
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 09:49:38
Distance: 44 nm / 81 km
Start Point: Marciana Marina
Finish Point:
Start Date: 23-Mar-23
Finish Date: 23-Mar-23
Rockpool Taran 16

From Giuseppe:
3 months of remote "Peak Performance Training" with Julian, Paddle 2 Fitness, Australia following MAF and 80/20 workouts dramatically increasing my paddling effectiveness.
I listened and put into practice all the advice received for the occasion from racing and sea kayaking experts.
Thanks to John Willacy, Performance Sea Kayak for the long and detailed posts about his experience with preparation and nutrition.
How did it go?
I would say well!
The previous day there was NW winds which eased in the night.
I started the day shortly after 6.30 in the morning, I started paddling with a constant rhythm in my aerobic zone by sliding the T16 at 5 knots, I felt a little current which helped me making me experience that sensation of lightness which predicted that the day would be good.
So straight and constant up to Capo Vita, where the east side of the island begins and where 7 knots of wind and a little wave started to push me slightly but I felt the end of the help of the current, speed result still about 4.9.
Straight down to the south, once past Punta dei Ripalti I found a little headwind coming out of the Golfo Stella , then attenuated up to Punta di Fetovaia.
To put it bluntly when I was on the south side of the island, seeing that I was paddling constantly at 4.8 knots on 3/4 of the way, I imagined completing the tour in 9 hours and 20 minutes, then having turned P.ta di Fetovaia, I understood that I could consider myself lucky if I stayed under 10 hours.
The speed dropped in some points to 4 knots and even a little less.
In that area I found a maximum of 8-12 knots of headwind at the same time as a drop in energy and now I felt a bit of head current due to the northerly winds of the previous days.
The gels and sweet fruit mineral drinks at this point had brought me to saturation that made me decide not to introduce other orange or berry flavors into my body until the end to avoid nausea.
Current over and wind attenuated from Sant'Andrea to Marciana Marina I regained strength.
I was very encouraged to read the names of the people who sent me encouragement on the watch display and the visit of the drone was an incentive to continue to do well. I remain available for any details that may have escaped me.
Thanks for your heartfelt participation!"
The Smalls
Amy Goolden
Mike Mayberry
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 11:55:00
Distance: 39 nm / 72 km
Start Point: Whitesands, Pembrokeshire
Finish Point: Whitesands, Pembrokeshire
Start Date: 20-Sep-22
Finish Date: 20-Sep-22
Valley Aquanaut RM
P+H Scorpio RM

From Amy:
"So, on the Autumn Exinox myself and Mike Mayberry set off at sunrise from Whitesands, passing though the Bishops and Clarks and out beyond. Leaving South Bishop in the distance we paddled towards the Smalls Lighthouse. We had very little tidal assistance due to the Eqinoxal Neap tide, and a slight head wind, so the first leg took an hr longer than expected.
We landed on the Smalls, it really is small. About the size of an overturned bus. After 30 mins we set off again and 2 hrs later we nipped around Grassholm taking time to enjoy the Gannets and other birds. From there we headed back across St Brides Bay, too late to make it into Ramsey Sound we headed up the West coast and back around to St David's head.
When I spoke to the Coastguard reporting our safe return, she asked how the trip went. "Blimmin Marvelous" I told her. It really was, by the end we were tired, but I loved every moment.
We think that we are the first people to circumnavigate both the Smalls and Grassholm, and that I'm the only woman to have paddled to the Smalls Lighthouse.
Normally I use my Romany Classic, and Mike paddles a Greenlander. But both boats were in the repair shop. So I used a plastic Aquanaut, and Mike had a plastic Scorpio with a wonky skeg!
It took us 12 hrs start to finish. With 5 mins stop every hour.
Jurassic Coast Jolly
Roy Beal
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 22:12:45
Distance: 0 / 0
Start Point: Orcombe Point
Finish Point: Old Harry Rocks
Start Date: 16-Aug-22
Finish Date: 17-Aug-22
Fulmar (Ply)
From Roy:
"Earlier this week I kayaked the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in one go, taking 22 hours, 12 minutes and 45 seconds. The Jurassic Coast is 95 miles, but kayaking gets it down to a slightly more manageable 82 miles. I started at Old Harry Rocks near Studland at 13:06 on August 16th 2022, finishing at Orcombe Point, Exmouth at 11:18 on August 17th. I was solo on the water, and had 2 rest stops planned along the way at Chesil Cove and Charmouth."
Roy also points out that "... this can be done either as a multi day or in one go, although camping on Chesil Beach is now a criminal offence, there are plenty of other places." He suggests this could make a new PSK Challenge, we agree. Give it a go...
South England Loop
Mike Conroy
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 54 days
Distance: ~900 nm / 1667 km
Start Point: Newquay, Cornwall
Finish Point: Newquay, Cornwall
Start Date: 19-May-22
Finish Date: 11-Jul-22
Tiderace Pace 17

Mike paddled north along the coast from Newquay to Bristol, where he joined the River Avon - visiting the Isle of Lundy along the way. Then along the Kennet and Avon Canal and the River Thames, passing through London before reaching the coast once again at Gravesend. He then paddled along the south coast of England to return to Newquay - a total of ~ 900 nm.
From Mike:
"A loop starting on the North Cornish Coast via Lundy, Bristol, London, Dover, Isle of Wight and returning to Newquay.
An unsupported solo trip, generally taking it easy, with many lazy mornings. It was an unusually hot and dry summer, I was generally very lucky with the weather and wind direction. I was never very far from habitation and was able to keep my onboard store of food and water to a minimum.
I loved every minute of the trip and stopped off for a wander in lots of places along the way. It's a fantastic trip, I wonder why more people have not done it. "
Distance Covered ~ 900nm
Isle of Man - Walney Extension
George Shaw
Daniel Shimmin
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 08:57:09
Distance: 35nm / 65 km
Start Point: Laxey
Finish Point: Laxey
Start Date: 29-Apr-22
Finish Date: 29-Apr-22
Rockpool Taran 18
Rockpool Taran 18
Slightly different this one, a paddle out from Laxey on the Isle of Man to the wind turbines visible from the island - the nearest of which are part of the Walney Extension Wind Farm. A round trip of 65 km with no option to land! Good one.
River Shannon Descent
Shane Young
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 41:19:12
Distance: 126.9 nm / 235 km
Start Point: Dowra
Finish Point: Limerick
Start Date: 28-Oct-21
Finish Date: 29-Oct-21
Rockpool Taran 18
From Shane:
"It is a combination of river, canal and lake paddling. Start is in a town called Dowra and finish is opposite King John's Castle in Limerick. There are 3 substantial loughs in it meaning it is more of a sea kayaking challenge than K1 boat trip. It necessitates quite a bit of planning with regards to weather and flow. The lack of navigational lights along the way makes it more challenging also. As I was solo and unsupported the boat ended up being quite heavy and I had real fun trying to get it around the few lock gates I had to."
Solo and unsupported.
If you want to repeat this adventure, then for PSK purposes the start line is the bridge in Dowra and the finish line is as you pass the Treaty Stone in Limerick.
Loch Ness - End to End
John Willacy
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 02:58:15
Distance: 17.8 nm / 33 km
Start Point: Inveroich House, Fort Augustus
Finish Point: Dores Beach
Start Date: 10-Jun-21
Finish Date: 10-Jun-21
Rockpool Taran 18
A sub-3hr downwind run end to end on Loch Ness, believed to be a new UK Record!
South Scotland Loop
Jack Victor Gatacre
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 15 days
Distance: ~450 nm / 833 km
Start Point: Pittenweem
Finish Point: Pittenweem
Start Date: 01-Aug-20
Finish Date: 15-Aug-20
Rockpool Taran 18

A loop starting on the Fife coast, going CW via the Crinnan and Caledonian canals to return to Pittenweem.
Days ranged from 3 hours to 13 hours, I usually started at 5.30/6am, and the latest I finished was 9.45pm, wind ranged from calm to force 7/8, weather ranged from heavy rain, to sun, to cloud to fog with 100 ft visibility. Such a beautiful variety of scenery. So far almost 10,000 pounds raised for Fishermens Mission.
The longest day was 60 miles, from Falkirk to Port Bannatyne, Bute. Highlights included, reaching Bute, surviving the Tarbert crossing, passing the Atlantic Bridge, Lismore Island, fast narrows near Fort William (got up to 10mph for a bit), seeing snow on Ben Nevis from Loch Lochy, crossing Loch Ness, passing the remote Morayshire coast, welcomes in Collieston and the Aberdeenshire villages, and finally the 20 mile crossing from Arbroath to Kingsbarns, Fife, as well as being welcomed in to Pittenweem by a couple of fishing boats. The trip was amazing!!
1 - 33 miles: Pittenweem - South Queensferry
2 - 22 miles - Falkirk
3 - 60 miles - Port Bannatyne, Bute
4 - 25 miles - Lochgilphead
5 - 55 miles - Fort William
6 - 33 miles - Fort Augustus
7 - 22 miles - Inverness
8 - 12 miles - Rosemarie
9 - 38 miles - Lossiemouth
10 - 42 miles - Pennan
11 - 44 miles - Collieston bay
12 - rest day
13 - 40 miles - Inverbervie
14 - 43 miles - Kingsbarns, Fife
15 - 11 miles - Pittenweem "
Distance Covered ~ 450nm
Bristol Channel Loop
Eurion Brown
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 2 days
Distance: 68 nm / 126 km
Start Point: Llantwit Major
Finish Point: Llantwit Major
Start Date: 20-Jul-20
Finish Date: 21-Jul-20
P+H Cetus HV
From Eurion:
"A South Wales Loop challenge based on the Bristol Channel.
The Bristol Channel Loop Challenge
The challenge must be completed in this order.
Leg 1 Llantwit Major to Heddon's Mouth: Diagonal tide planning (and overfall avoidance).
Leg 2 Heddon's Mouth to 3 Cliffs Bay : Cross tide planning, (and overfall avoidance).
Leg 3 3 Cliffs Bay to Llantwit Major: With tide planning (sandbank and overfall avoidance).
Start and endpoint: Llantwit Major- because there is a easy public car park and access to the water.
This challenge seems to have a lot to offer in that it requires good tidal trip planning, endurance, ability to overnight (if desired or not!) and two elements of competitiveness.
What I think would make this really interesting is if there is a time log for each of the individual leg times, but also the overall trip duration from leaving Llantwit Major until the return. This makes it interesting from the perspective of do you or don't you stop at the end of each leg, all based on the tides and how they coincide with the duration of each leg and how tired you are!
I've just completed this as a personal challenge in all the aspects I set my self - the planning journey, putting the plan into action (and learning that the tides information for this sort of trip was a bit hit and miss due to there being not enough diamonds, requiring a bit of on the water adjustments), and the endurance decision of not stopping for my intended second night because I made a crossing that left the tides still favourable to finish the third leg on the same day as the second. This is what made me think that this could be a really interesting challenge to put on the PSK site.
68.1Nm (126.1 km)
Total time paddled: 14hrs 31mins
Total round trip duration: 34hrs 47mins
Average trip paddle speed: 4.7 knots (8.7km/h)
Day 1:
Llantwit Major to Heddon's Mouth.
Paddle distance: 19.4Nm (35.9km)
Paddle time: 3hrs 44mins
Max speed: 6.74 knots (12.5km/h)
Average speed: 5.18 knots (9.6km/h)
Day 2 leg 1:
Heddon's Mouth to Three Cliffs Bay
Paddle distance: 23.0Nm (42.6km)
Paddle time: 5hrs 45mins
Max speed: 5.74 knots (10.6km/h)
Average speed: 3.99 knots (7.4km/h)
Day 2 leg 2:
Three Cliffs Bay to Llantwit Major
Paddle distance: 25.7Nm (47.6)
Paddle time: 4hrs 56mins
Max speed: 7.48 knots (13.9km/h)
Average speed: 5.3 knots (9.8km/h)"
Lower Bann Trail
Andrew Corner
Lyndsay McPhee
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 07:08:00
Distance: 33.5 nm / 62 km
Start Point: Toome, N.I.
Finish Point: Seatons Marina, Coleraine
Start Date: 26-Aug-19
Finish Date: 26-Aug-19
Northshore Polar
Valley Nordkapp LV
Lyndsay assisted 15 year old Andrew as he prepared for 10 months in order to attempt this challenge. Includes 4 portages.
John O'Groats to Muckle Flugga
Mark Rainsley
Lizzie Garnett
Cat: K2
Elapsed Time: 16 days
Distance: 253+ nm / 469 km
Start Point: John O'Groats
Finish Point: Muckle Flugga
Start Date: 25-Jul-19
Finish Date: 2019
Valley Aleut
From Mark Rainsley:
"A few numbers from our trip between John O'Groats and Muckle Flugga...
2 paddlers (1 male, 1 female),
1 double kayak,
4 mph on a good day,
16 days from start to completion,
13 paddling days (from 1.5 to 10.5 hours on the water),
3 lazy off-the-water days,
Countless noodles eaten,
1 gale,
5 broken tent poles (out of 5),
280+ miles covered,
253+ miles paddled,
5 serious-ish open crossings made,
1 ferry trip of 27 miles - Fair Isle to Shetland,
Shortest day - c5 miles,
Longest day - c44 miles (open crossing from North Ronaldsay to Fair Isle, made interesting/ lengthy by crazy tides),
1 large oil tanker,
4+ otter encounters,
1-2 minke whales,
1 pod of Rissos dolphins,
c6 porpoises,
Countless puffins, on every day ...ditto, gannets, skuas, seals etc,
Four ferries, one flight, one lift, two van journeys, one taxi, three buses, four flatbed trucks and one hire car required to get back home to Southern England,
Etc etc..."
Gotland Circumnavigation
Jörgen Kard
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 47:59:30
Distance: 162 nm / ~300km
Start Point: Visby
Finish Point: Visby
Start Date: 12-Jul-19
Finish Date: 13-Jul-19
World of Kayaks WK525
BlogfacebookFrom Jörgen:
"I paddled around Gotland (Swedens largest island) , it's 300km and my goal was to do it under 48h and I did it on 47,59,30 :)"
The Westhinder Challenge
Santi Dominguez
Carlos Garcia
Dimitr Vandepoele
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 13:15:00
Distance: 41.3 nm / 76.5 km
Start Point: Oostduinkerke Beach, Belgium
Finish Point:
Start Date: 07-Jul-17
Finish Date: 07-Jul-17
Goltziana Marlin
Tiderace Explore MV
P+H Cetus MV
Dimitri's Article:
"We are always looking for a good challenge, preferably one that takes us offshore. If you look at the Belgian part of the North Sea, there are no islands that you can paddle to (with the exception of the North Sea crossing to the UK). We have to do it with our buoys, navigation marks and towers. Yes, there are towers located in the Southern part of the North Sea. Two of them are drawing our attention. The first, and closest one, is the Oostdyck radar tower. When visibility is extremely well, it can be seen from the beach without binoculars. The radar sends all shipping movements to the Traffic Centre for monitoring. This tower is located some 21 kilometres offshore.
What cannot be seen from ashore is the second tower located at the Westhinder sandbank. This one lies just behind the international shipping lane, one of the busiest in the world. The Westhinder beacon warns ships for the danger of the sandbank beneath. It also monitors the force of the wind and direction, which is important for the weather forecasts for this area. This tower is located some 32 kilometres offshore. Read More..."
Greenland To Scotland
George Bullard
Olly Hicks
Cat: K2M
Elapsed Time: 66 days
Distance: ~1200 nm / 2222 km
Start Point: Pack ice, Greenland
Finish Point: Balnakeil Bay, Durness
Start Date: 01-Jul-16
Finish Date: 04-Sep-16
Inuk Duo
Distance c. 1,200 NM. Duration: 66 days Boat: Modified Inuk Duo 7.4m Unsupported. Used Sails.
Following Patrick Winterton & Olly Hicks Shetland Bus crossing in 2013, soon after Patrick came across the book 'Searching for the Finnmen' which explores the theory that the Inuit might have made
it to Scotland by kayak in the 18th Century. Intrigued by the idea the pair set about making the journey to paddle from Greenland to Scotland to prove it could have been done - albeit they were going to use modern kit and equipment.
So whilst it would not prove the journey it would certainly add fuel to the story. In the end Patrick's family circumstances prevented him from going on the journey and George Bullard became Olly's teammate.
After being delivered by yacht on the 1st July they set off in the pack ice about 50miles off the east coast of Greenland, in the narrowest part of the Denmark Strait and paddled back to Iceland. This journey of 140 miles was accomplished very quickly in reasonably benign conditions, except for the sea fog and a light gale on the approach to Hornvik bay in NW Iceland. They crossed in c.43hrs.
Then they paddled around the North of Iceland heading to the east and the closest point to Faroes. They set off initially from Neskauptadur kayak club but after 60 hrs of slow progress they met a longline fishing vessel which advised them of a storm coming and offered to take them back. They were taken back to StöðvarfjörĂ°ur where they awaited another weather window - working on the fishing boat catching cod to earn their keep in the meantime. After 1 week they were able to set off on the 275NM journey across the 'Devils Dancefloor' again. After 4.5 days of paddling through squalls but quite calm seas they arrived at 3am into TjørnuvĂk in the Faroe Islands.
The pair were weather bound in the Faroes for 3 weeks!! Before they finally got a small break in the weather to leave Suduroy to paddle back the final 180 NM to Scotland. But it became apparewnt the y were not goin to make the journey in time before the weather closed in and they had to seek shelter on North Rona. They were storm bound on the island for 6 days before another break in the weather gave them the chance to make the final 50NM leg back to Scotland, where they landed in Balnakeil Bay on 4th September 2016. They had been on the expedition for 66 days, of which 3 weeks was stuck in the Faroes, they slept a total of 12 nights at sea in the kayak. Unsupported - Use of sails
Distance Covered ~ 1200nm
Infinity Loop
Norbert Ziober
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 18:02:39
Distance: 66 nm / 122 km
Start Point: Loch Tarbert, Jura
Finish Point:
Start Date: 29-May-16
Finish Date: 29-May-16
Rockpool Taran 18
A combined circumnavigation of Scarba and Jura in one trip!
This is a serious undertaking by Norbert Ziober, and we suspect a true first. This paddle is not only noteable for it's length but also that it requires two passages through the Gulf of Corryvreckan, after a passage of the Islay west coast overfalls - good planning and good timing are required, as well as a good pair of shoulders to make the distance of course.
Lindisfarne Loop
Neil Turnbull
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 01:37:30
Distance: 8.6 nm / 16 km
Start Point: Lindisfarne
Finish Point:
Start Date: 12-Dec-15
Finish Date: 12-Dec-15
Rockpool Taran 18

From Neil:
'A 16 km circumnavigation of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. The Island lies off the coast of Northumberland and is connected to the mainland by means of a vehicle causeway. The causeway and the adjoining shallow flats are covered at HW allowing a complete loop of the Island by kayak.
Tides need to be nearer Springs with anything above 4.9 meters (North Shields) making it viable. A clockwise or counter clockwise loop will work, both offering advantages and disadvantages in their own right. Accurate tidal planning is essential or you may find yourself walking a very long way through soft wet sand. A closed loop counts with a start point around the harbour area being recommended. The Holy Island is a nature reserve and managed by English Nature. Anyone visiting for the first time should check out the agreements and local by-laws which can be found here....'
Raasay + Rona Circumnav
Ian Dring
Zoe Newsam
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 10:12:00
Distance: 36nm / 67 km
Start Point: Sconser Pier
Finish Point:
Start Date: 12-Jun-15
Finish Date:
P+H Scorpio MV
SKUK Explorer
Zoe and Ian completed the 67km combined lap of Raasay and Rona in just over 10 hrs. A trip of impressive distance, impressive time and impressive scenery. Add it to your list...
Sea Of The Hebrides Crossing
Michal Madera
Natalie Maderova
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 10:25:00
Distance: 28nm / 52 km
Start Point: An Coroghon Castle, Canna
Finish Point: Uisinis Bay, South Uist
Start Date: 09-May-15
Finish Date: 09-May-15
Tiderace Pace 17 Tour
North Rona Crossing
Donald Thomson
Calum Urquhart
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: ~14:00:00
Distance: 40 nm / 74 km
Start Point: Port of Ness
Finish Point: North Rona
Start Date: 08-Jul-14
Finish Date:
Valley Nordkapp
P+H Sirius
Landing Photo
This is an impressive crossing, out into a big wide ocean with limited landing opportunites at the far end.
From Calum:
" Our GPS indicated we had
paddled 52miles(83km). Calum was paddling a P+H Sirius, Donald paddled a Valley Nordkap. We paddled east from Lewis initially to avoid the tidal race at the Butt of Lewis then headed north. Landing was challenging as there are no beaches. It is a rocky landing and a scramble up cliffs...The conditions were as flat calm as they will ever get out there. There had been a small swell running when we arrived but this settled overnight.We were surprised to find that the midges were terrible, some of the worst I've encountered!...
After 2 nights on the island the original plan was to paddle back but shoulder tendonitis was making paddling uncomfortable so when a tour boat made a rare and unexpected visit to the island on our departure day, we took the opportunity to return to Lewis on the boat." (PSK: The photos from Calum show a significant rocky landing, it looks quite a handful even in perfect weather - follow the link above). Unsupported.
Beeline Britain
Nick Beighton
Ian O'Grady
Adam Harmer
Tori James
Cat: K2
Elapsed Time: 24:35 hrs
Distance: 83 nm / 154 km
Start Point: Porth Gain
Finish Point: Porth Dafarch
Start Date: 25-May-14
Finish Date: 26-May-14
Valley Aleut II
Valley Aleut II
Escort Boat: Yes
WebsiteSee Beeline Britain entry for 'Cornwall - Pembrokeshire' for details.
Beeline Britain
Nick Beighton
Ian O'Grady
Adam Harmer
Tori James
Cat: K2
Elapsed Time: 32:30 hrs
Distance: 96 nm / 178 km
Start Point: Sennen Cove
Finish Point: Linney Head
Start Date: 17-May-14
Finish Date: 18-May-14
Valley Aleut II
Valley Aleut II
Escort Boat: Yes
The Beeline Britain Team set out with an ambitous goal of travelling from Land's End to John O'Groats in a straight line - kayaking, hiking or biking to travel from the South to the North of the UK. They completed the whole gruelling challenge in 28 days, covering 1100 km.
Along the way they completed two crossings of over 24 hrs by kayak. Good weather helped the first paddling leg from Sennen Cove (Cornwall) direct to Linney Head in Pembrokeshire (~98 nm). This was followed a week later by another impressive crossing from Porth Gain (Pembrokeshire) to Porth Dafarch on Anglesey (~84 nm). The team undertook a further three crossings during the trip: Anglesey - Isle of Man (~52 nm), Isle of Man - Isle of Whithorn (~18 nm) and Hopeman - Lybster Bay on Scotland's East Coast (~ 36 nm). Overall the Beeline Challenge covered an impressive set of open water miles in such a short time - not withstanding a good deal of human powered cross-country miles in-between too!
Use of sails and escort boats.
Shetland - Norway
Shetland Bus
Olly Hicks
Patrick Winterton
Cat: K2
Elapsed Time: 62 hrs
Distance: 174 nm / 322 km
Start Point: Out Skerries, Shetland
Finish Point: Sotra
Start Date: 17-Jul-13
Finish Date: 19-Jul-13
Continuing with the challenge of super long crossings, Patrick Winterton was joined by Olly Hicks to make this audacious attempt on a crossing from Shetland to Norway. This was their second attempt, after the first (with third team member, Mick Berwick) was brought to a halt due to bad weather and fatigue after a swim. In 2012 Patrick and Olly returned, this time in a double kayak, and set out unsupported heading for Norway. Ahead lay 62 hours of open water.
They made good progress initially with the use of sails and a following sea, but things slowed as Patrick started to suffer from sea sickness, aggravated by the lack of a distinct horizon. They followed a routine of 4 hrs on and 1 hr off, using a drogue and buoyancy bags for stability which allowed them to 'sleep' for a few hours during the night - in the kayak. Conditions were far from flat calm, with Force 5 breaking seas compounding the challenge. Finally they landed on the archipelago of Sotra before continuing on to Bergen where the locals celebrated their achievement with a feast of barbecued elk, boar and venison.
From Patrick:
"There was an intense sense of relief and satisfaction that we achieved the crossing in conditions which would have persuaded most to stay at home." He speaks of his satisfaction in "...trying stuff no-one's done before. There's no book to tell you how to do it." At this time this is probably the most remarkable kayak voyage to set out from the UK, a truly extraordinay crossing - undertaken unsupported and in a production sea kayak. Unfortunately the trip only drew limited publicity back home, the unfortunate timing of the arrival of a royal baby meant the media were distracted.
Unsupported - Use of sails.
England to Finland
Erin Dunn
Alice Lawson
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 88 days
Distance: ~1200 nm / 2222 km
Start Point: Folkestone
Finish Point: Helsinki
Start Date: 06-Jul-12
Finish Date: 01-Oct-12
P+H Cetus
P+H Cetus
BlogThis may not be a route that first springs to mind when planning a sea kayak expedition but it did for Erin Dunn, Alice Lawson and Mark Waddoups. They set out from Folkestone to paddle all the way to Helsinki. Unfortunately Mark had to retire at the Wadden Sea due to work commitments but the ladies continued to complete the route in Helsinki. Take a read of the blog to learn of their interesting adventures.
Distance Covered ~ 1200nm
Irish Sea Crossing - England
Conor Murray
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 21:06:50
Distance: 65nm / 120 km
Start Point: Portavogie
Finish Point: Whitehaven
Start Date: 08-Aug-12
Finish Date:
SKUK Explorer
Out of all the serious solo crossings on the PSK site, this one has to rate pretty high up there.
Though it may not have the sheer distance or exposure involved with the super length crossings (Faroes/Shetland Bus etc), the challenge and commitment involved in this one should not be underestimated. Conor set out unsupported, without fuss and most significantly paddling solo, to travel across nearly 70 nm of open sea. To set out alone with that amount of open water ahead of you, frankly takes balls.
Scotland Circumnav
In the wake of the Finnmen
Jonny Hawkins
Cat: K1M
Elapsed Time: 62 days
Distance: 0 / 0
Start Point: St Andrews
Finish Point: St Andrews
Start Date: 25-May-12
Finish Date: 25-Jul-12
P+H Cetus
Blog/VideoWebsiteThough the elapsed time shows 62 days for Jonny, he did take some time out to graduate from St Andrew's University, along with a visit to the Alps during his trip! The route initally crossed from the east to west via the Forth and Clyde Canal and then worked northwards via the Crinnan Canal.
Jonny was joined by friends for the first part of the journey to Ullapool. From then on, Jonny paddled K1M - along the North Coast and then down the East Coast to return to St Andrews.
UK-Faroes Crossing
Mick Berwick
Patrick Winterton
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 74 hrs
Distance: ~188nm / 348 km
Start Point: Stornoway
Finish Point: West Vagur, Sudoroy
Start Date: 24-Jun-09
Finish Date: 28-Jun-09
Rockpool Menai 18
Tiderace Xplore
Surely the longest crossing ever to set out from UK waters in production sea kayaks - a trip that is the stuff of legends.
This was a serious undertaking by Mick Berwick and Patrick Winterton as they paddled from Stornoway to Sudoroy, into a truly long boat-bound crossing. Included on the way: sleeping in the kayaks, brewing up afloat, hallucinations, awkward tides, bad weather, a 74 hr open crossing and so on...
(PSK estimate on the distance)
Distance Covered ~ 188nm
Alderney to Weymouth
Kevin Mansell
John Bouteloup
Paul Bouteloup
John Hurley
Micky Keen
Cat: Team
Elapsed Time: 16:30:00
Distance: 0 / 0
Start Point: Alderney
Finish Point: Weymouth
Start Date: 13-Jun-1981
Finish Date: 13-Jun-1981
4 x Valley Nordkapp
1 x Valley Anas Acuta
Escort Boat: Yes
Uniques: One Off Routes
Records Returned: 33