PSK In-Progress
What we have heard of attempts that are on-going, in the planning stages or just wild and scurrilous rumour.
Please read the thoughts on safety: Safety Info Page
PSK In-Progress attempts
Around On My Kayak
- GB + Ireland Circumnavigation
2024Start Point: Kew Bridge, London
Finish Point:
Status: Completed?
Start Date: 11-Mar-2024
Finish Date: 16-Sep-2024
Elapsed: 190 days
Felipe is aiming to paddle the circumnavigation of GB + Ireland, including Orkney and Shetland, weather allowing. He started at Kew Bridge on the River Thames, paddling down through central London before heading out from the Thames Estuary to start his clock-wise lap. He expects this challenging expedition to take around 7 months! You can follow his progress via a tracker on the Around On My Kayak website (link below). Felipe is paddling a Rockpool Taran 18 fitted with a sail.
Believed completd - details to follow...
PSK Link:
3 Capital Kayak 2024
- England Circumnav?
2024Start Point: Sharpness?
Finish Point: Cardiff
Status: Completed
Start Date: 25-May-2024
Finish Date: 19-Aug-2024
Elapsed: 87 days
From Mike: "Demelza and I shall attempt to paddle via London, Edinburgh Glasgow, Cardiff then back to Newquay."
PSK Link:
GB Circumnavigation
2024Start Point: East Wittering
Finish Point:
Status: Completed
Start Date: 01-Jun-2024
Finish Date: 28-Jul-2024
Elapsed: 58 days
From Michael's website: "My name is Michael Lambert, and in the summer of 2024 I will be circumnavigating the mainland UK in an Epic V8 GT Surf ski. I am undertaking this fundraiser in honour of my Mum, Caroline Lambert, and for all those impacted by Aortic Dissections.
This will be a record attempt. To achieve this I will need to cover 3200 km in under 40 days. Irrespective of the winds, tides and anything else the UK can throw at me, I will need to average more than 80 kilometres a day."
Believed completed 28th July - details tbc
PSK Link:
Round Wales 2024
- Wales Circumnav
Margarita Felixburger
Tavi Murray
Russel Scaplehorn
Start Point: The Mumbles
Finish Point:
Status: Completed
Start Date: 08-May-2024
Finish Date: 03-Jun-2024
Elapsed: 27 days
Alison Cooper also joined the team for the first 14 days from Mumbles to Penmaenmawr.
PSK Link:
Shamrock Loop
- Ireland Circumnavigation
2023Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 02-Jun-2023
Finish Date: 14-Aug-2023
Elapsed: 74 days
Completed 14-Aug-2023 - 74 days
PSK Link:
Dougal's Epic Adventure
- GB Circumnavigation
2023Start Point: Aldeburgh
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 02-Jun-2023
Finish Date: 11-Jul-2023
Elapsed: 40 days
From Dougal:
'Dougal's Round Britain Kayak Challenge
West Country Kayaker with type 1 diabetes aiming for world record with 2,000 mile
paddle around the UK
Images and video available via links below. Dougal is also offering fresh video and
live updates as he makes his way around the coast.
A young kayaker from Somerset, Dougal Glaisher, is about to embark on a challenge
of a lifetime, a solo and unsupported circumnavigation of the UK in world record
time. The adventure made all the more difficult as Dougal is attempting the feat
whilst managing his Type 1 diabetes.
Dougal set off from Aldeburgh, Suffok on Friday 1 June at 4.45am. He aims to beat
the 67 day record set back by Isle of Man kayaker, Joe Leach in 2012. He was
diagnosed with this serious form of diabetes three years ago and is hoping his efforts
will raise as much as possible for the charity, Action4Diabetes, which helps young
people with the condition in South East Asia, where lack of medical support can
sometimes be fatal.
On the 2,000 mile voyage, Dougal will face typically unpredictable weather around
the UK - strong tides, cold waters, exposed coastline – and will have to navigate some
of the world's busiest shipping lanes, all while managing his insulin and food intake to
control his blood sugar levels. He will also carry everything he needs to complete the
challenge unsupported, including a tent, gas cooker and his medicine.
Dougal recognises the scale of the challenge but is determined to succeed.
"I am coming to terms with my diabetes and want to show that it needn't get in the
way of a full and active life. I know this adventure will be really tough , but I'm
choosing to do it."
"I know how difficult it is for children with this condition, who can't get the right
treatment – that's real suffering. Knowing that I'm helping them will keep me
paddling. I may have a disability, but with the right mindset, I can overcome
Completed 11 Jul 2023 - 40 days. Details tbc
PSK Link:
421 Challenge 2023
- GB Circumnavigation
Jeff Allen
Adam Knight
Lee Waters
Start Point: Falmouth
Finish Point:
Status: Postponed
Start Date: 01-Jun-2023
Finish Date: 07-Jul-2023
Elapsed: 37 days
From the 421 Challenge fb page:
"The 4 -2 – 1 Challenge
On May 24th 2023, Team 4-2-1-Challenge shall launch our kayaks from the slipway next to the Maritime Museum in Falmouth and embark upon a 1800 nautical mile journey, by sea kayak, circumnavigating Great Britain including the coastline of Northern Ireland.
The 4-2-1 Challenge shall take us through four seas, around two Capes and along the North-western fringe of the Atlantic Ocean.
The team
The team of four consists of Adam Knight, Steve Bourne, Lee Waters and me Jeff Allen.
Apart from being an incredible adventure and achievement should we succeed; the team also hopes to raise money and awareness for several charities as we paddle our kayaks unsupported in a clockwise direction around Great Britain.
The charities that we have chosen to represent, and support are:
For every £100 raised, we shall save an acre of natural habitat and protect it in perpetuity
Probably the most famous rescue service e in the world, having saved more than 140,000 lives since 1824
Barnados 'Believe in Children'
protecting, supporting and nurturing the UK's most vulnerable children
The Royal Marine Association
Offering lifelong support to the families of serving and former Royal Marines
Ovarian Cancer Action 'The Silent Killer' amongst women the world over.
Surfers Against Sewage.
protecting the ocean and all that it makes possible
Man Down.
Protecting men's mental health in Cornwall
The SBSA: Looking after the families and former members of the service who have been injured or lost their lives in conflict
The Route:
Heading south west from Falmouth the journey will first see us heading towards that place which was so feared by the Romans and aptly named Bolerium or the 'Seat of Storms'. Lands' End can be a challenge to get around, on even a relatively calm day, where the complex tides first hit Britain's Southwest Peninsula, the tides here are complex and change direction rotationally around the clock, creating many conflicting currents and areas orf rough water. This area also feels the full might of the Ocean as heavy ground swells can radiate outwards from the North Atlantic. Once rounding Lands' End we shall follow the north Cornwall coast, very quickly coming upon the first of the two Capes, Cape Cornwall, then paddling as far East as Hartland Point where we shall then cross to Lundy and commit to the first of several long open crossings, paddling northwards ,crossing first the Bristol Channel to Pembrokeshire in South Wales and then westwards across the Celtic Sea to Rosslare in the Republic of Ireland.
Once we reach the shores of Ireland, we shall follow the coast of Ireland northwards, sampling the Guinness along the way no doubt, as far as Lough Foyle, before back tracking on ourselves to the small harbour of Ballintoy (The Iron Islands from the Game of Thrones) and then commit to another crossing of the infamous North Channel, the section of water that separates Ireland from Scotland. Crossing to the island of Islay and then on into the Hebridean Sea and the many islands of Scotland.
Once amongst the Inner and Outer Hebrides, we shall island hop to the northern aspect of the Outer Hebrides, passing the Small Isles, Mull, Skye across to The Shiants (home to the Blue Men of the Minch), South and North Uist, Harris and Lewis, until we cross over eastwards, from the Butt of Lewis back to the mainland of Scotland, rounding Cape Wrath at 59 degrees North.
The Pentland Firth and the roof of Scotland now lies before us, one of the remotest areas of Great Britain and these rugged shores are swept by some of the fiercest tides in the world, the fiercest and most dangerous race here is known locally as the 'Merry men of Mey' and can reach speeds of up to 30 kilometers an hour and when coupled with strong winds can create seas which mariners have come to fear the world over.
As we approach the Island of Stroma we shall have to decide whether to head north through the 'Swilkie' or south through the Inner Sound before rounding Duncansby Head and proceeding southwards into the North Sea and beyond...."
Believed long-term postponed. From Jeff Allen:
"Hi, will send you an email later to give you more detail, as indicated on our SM feed earlier in our trip this was probably going to become a challenge in two halves, for me this was due mainly to financial limitations and this became a certain for me on Islay where I informed Lee and Adam that I’d have to finish on the 5th, which I did in Arisaig, where I met up with Anna who had driven up from Falmouth to collect me. I hope to continue next year. Adam & Lee pushed in to Ullapool and have completed their trip there, also hoping to continue next year."
Included ferry crossing of St George's Channel.
PSK Link:
The Lap
- Ireland Circumnavigation
2023Start Point: Bantry
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 18-Jun-2023
Finish Date: 04-Jul-2023
Elapsed: 17 days
From Charles:
'Hey, I'm currently kayaking around Ireland to raise money for Parkinson's disease research.
To follow the adventure, check out The Lap.
If this is urgent, I will still have mobile coverage, but I will be slow to respond.
You can reach me via WhatsApp or on the water by VHF radio, callsign "Kayak Charlie"
Believed abandoned: 4th July 2023 - Injury
PSK Link:
Round Ireland by Sea Kayak Part II
- Ireland Circumnavigation
2023Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Unknown
Start Date: 20-Jun-2023
Finish Date:
Elapsed: 646 days
From facebook:
"I have had a dream of circumnavigating Ireland by sea kayak for a long time. Starting in June 2021, I tried to fulfil this dream. However, after six days and for personal reasons, I had to stop.
I have decided that it is time to try again. Weather permitting, in mid/late June, I will resume my circumnavigation from where I stopped two years ago.
I will post progress updates to this page."
Details unknown
PSK Link:
2022Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Ongoing
Start Date:
Finish Date:
PSK Link:
Kayaking For Charity
2021Start Point: John o'Groats
Finish Point: Sennen Cove
Status: Complete
Start Date: 26-May-2021
Finish Date: 20-Jul-2021
Elapsed: 56 days
From Roy's website: "Update May 11th 2021
Not sure how but there are only 2 weeks to go before I set off from John O'Groats! There isn't much time and I feel like I have loads to do. At least it is taking my mind of the enormity of this challenge.
I'm currently in the middle of varnishing the kayak, I'm expecting her to take quite a beating during the challenge. Poor thing!
I've also been printing off the maps I'll need for the trip. These will be laminated and will have tidal information and other useful data I may require jotted down on them. I'm considering auctioning them off at the end of the challenge - money raised will go to charity. Recent route plotting has come up with 993 miles in total. Gulp.
Speaking of charities. Don't forget to donate! Donation page link at the top of this page.
Lastly - tracker coming soon. There may be some trial tracks in the next week or so - keep an eye out!
"Update July 22nd 2021
He did it! After 56 days of paddling, Roy successfully kayaked from John O'Groats to Land's End.
Roy arrived at Sennen Cove just after 7pm on July 20th 2021. In what is believed to be a worlds first (this trip has only ever been done from Land's End before), he kayaked 948 miles in his wooden kayak Just Add Water. Allowing for poor weather and an occasional rest day, his average mileage was almost 17 a day with 49 paddling days.
His daily blogs can be found on social media (links above) but they can also be found here. Apologies for the spelling mistakes!"
PSK Link:
Circumnav of Wales
Glyn Brackenbury
Start Point: Slimbridge
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 26-May-2021
Finish Date: 06-Jun-2021
Elapsed: 12 days
From Glyn:
"Started and finished at Patch Bridge on the Gloucester and Sharpness canal. Longest day was crossing Cardigan Bay at 49 miles. Shortest was getting in position from Porth Gain to Poppit sands 25.3. Total mileage was 487.6 averaging just over 40 miles a day and just over 5mph. Boat was a Mega Velocity."
Circumnav of Wales
PSK Link:
_ Covid Pandemic Year
Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Ongoing
Start Date:
Finish Date:
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2019Start Point: Portpatrick
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 29-Jul-2019
Finish Date: 23-Aug-2019
Elapsed: 26 days
Ireland Circumnavigation
PSK Link:
Dropseat Adventure 2019
CCW Circumnavigation of Ireland
Lindsey Harris
Ntalie Maderova
Zoe Robinson**
Start Point: Howth
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 04-Jun-2019
Finish Date: 28-Jul-2019
Elapsed: 55 days
From Zoe:
"Ps. For transparency, and for those who care about such things, I actually didn't do a full circumnav as I didn't paddle the 40 km of the North East corner, as I was out of the trip for 36 hours as I returned home for an urgent medical appointment while the others made headway for a day."
CCW Circumnavigation of Ireland
PSK Link:
Steve and Andy's Lands End to John O' Groats by sea kayak
Land's End to John o'Groats
Andy Murphy
Steve Watt *
Start Point: Sennen, Land's End
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 16-Apr-2019
Finish Date: 15-Jul-2019
Elapsed: 91 days
Land's End to John o'Groats
PSK Link:
Seakayak for Children
Circumnavigation of Ireland
Pierre-Emmanuel Leclere
Start Point: Connemara?
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 25-Mar-2019
Finish Date: 08-Jul-2019
Elapsed: 106 days
Circumnavigation of Ireland
PSK Link:
Kayak Ireland 2019
Rob Burgess
Ritchie Diaper
David Simpson
Start Point: Larne
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 21-Apr-2019
Finish Date: 11-Jun-2019
Elapsed: 52 days
From the Blog:
"David Simpson, Ritchie Diaper and Rob Burgess are paddling sea kayaks around the superb Irish coast. After many years and paddling ventures, this is a trip that we’ve each wanted to do and now – mid life crisis behind us ( we’re all over 50…) – we’re off!"
PSK Link:
Around Wales 2019
- Wales Circumnav
Circumnavigation of Wales
2019Start Point: Rhossili
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 12-May-2019
Finish Date: 26-May-2019
Elapsed: 15 days
Circumnavigation of Wales
PSK Link:
Waves of Sustainability
Circumnavigation of the Isles of Lewis/Harris
2019Start Point: Stornoway
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 04-May-2019
Finish Date: 11-May-2019
Elapsed: 8 days
Circumnavigation of the Isles of Lewis/Harris
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnav
2018Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 31-May-2018
Finish Date: 14-Jul-2018
Elapsed: 45 days
PSK Link:
3 Peaks by Kayak
2018Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 15-May-2018
Finish Date: 10-Jun-2018
Elapsed: 27 days
From the Life Afloat website:
"In 2009 I made my first attempt to kayak and climb the Three Peaks. Sadly, I had to retire when my tent was destroyed during a fierce storm while camping at St Bees in Cumbria.
I console myself with the fact that I managed to kayak alone from Aberdovey to St Bees and ascend at least two of the mountains. This is an unfinished adventure project for me and I have been biding my time for the right moment to give it another go. 2018 then, is going to be the year I succeed! "
PSK Link:
Wales Circumnavigation - SUP
2018Start Point: Flint?
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 06-Mar-2018
Finish Date: 04-May-2018
Elapsed: 60 days
From Sian's facebook page:
"Sian Sykes, is attempting to stand up paddleboard (SUP) all the way around Wales, the first person to ever do it on a SUP. Sian is fundraising money for Surfers Against Sewage North Wales Wildlife Trust and RNLI.
During the expedition Sian will be raising awareness about marine litter and single use plastic free (SUP). So it is SUP Against SUP expedition! Credit to Surfers Against Sewage for the name. The expedition will be a 1000km journey around Wales including inland canals, rivers and along the rugged coastline, tackling fast flowing water, negotiating busy shipping channels and challenging exposed headlands with complex waters."
PSK Link:
Wales Circumnavigation
Josh Charles
Christopher Evans
Start Point: Llantwit Major
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 15-Jul-2018
Finish Date: 15-Jul-2018
Elapsed: 1 days
Status Unknown.
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2018Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 07-Apr-2018
Finish Date: 13-Apr-2018
Elapsed: 7 days
From the Go Sea Kayak facebook page:
"Exciting News! It's expedition time again, this time I'm having a crack at the Emerald Isle. Hopping on the ferry early tomorrow morning and then heading clockwise in my kayak till hopefully, circumnavigating the big Island and finishing about 40 days later. Well that's the plan anyway, fingers crossed! :)"
From Go Sea Kayak facebook page 13-04-18:
"Expedition update; Hmmm, so after only a week and already two days off due to high winds I'm calling it a day. The forecast suggest that I'd be taking the next 4-5 days off as theres very high winds passing through! I don't really want to be hanging around on beaches anymore, beautiful as they are. Time to get the ferry home "
PSK Link:
Wales Coastline
2018Start Point: Holyhead
Finish Point: Aberystwyth
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 25-Mar-2018
Finish Date: 01-Apr-2018
Elapsed: 8 days
From Ashley's blog:
"Now being a student you have the luxuries of lots of time off and long holiday.. So I thought to myself as a warm up for this summers expedition in Norway I would spend my Easter holiday exploring the coast of Wales. See how far south I get and hopefully get picked up before I have to go back to Uni."
PSK Link:
'Around Ireland 2017'
- Ireland Circumnavigation
2017Start Point: Bulloch Harbour
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 24-Jul-2017
Finish Date: 26-Aug-2017
Elapsed: 34 days
From Jonny's Blog:
"This summer I will embark upon a journey that I have been dreaming of making for many years. A kayak circumnavigation of Ireland!
Paddling solo and self-supported and with an emphasis on a performance approach to sea kayaking, I aim to complete the circumnavigation within 5 weeks."
PSK Link:
'Ireland 360'
- Ireland Circumnavigation
Nick Blowfield
Eoin FitzGibbon
Lee Taylor
Gudni Pall Viktorsson
Start Point: Garretstown Beach, Kinsale??
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 05-Jun-2017
Finish Date: 25-Jul-2017
Elapsed: 51 days
Update from Lee Taylor Facebook 26-Jun-17:
"It's with great sadness I have to report Nick Blowfield will no longer be paddling with us. A shoulder injury has been giving him substantial pain and has been giving us worry. Nick and I met on my UK circumnavigation and have been good friends ever since. The plan for this paddle was born then. 2 years in the planning only to be brought down with a bump.
The rest of the team will continue but this will be a heavy day especially as Nick was the designated tide planner and a great guy."
PSK Link:
'Canoeing Around Britain'
- GB Circumnavigation
Davis Gould-Duff
Colin Skeath
Start Point: Loch Sunart
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 30-Apr-2017
Finish Date: 24-Jul-2017
Elapsed: 86 days
From the canoearoundbritain website:
“People have been circumnavigating Britain in Sea Kayaks fairly regularly since 1980 and possibly even before. People have also been canoeing on the sea for many years – in the UK and around the world. Until now, no-one has taken an open canoe around Britain… Colin and Davis are hoping to complete this challenge in between 3 and 5 months covering around 2,500 miles. However, if it takes longer, so be it.“
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
Michael O'Farrell
Start Point: Bulloch Harbour, Dublin
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 01-May-2017
Finish Date: 10-Jul-2017
Elapsed: 71 days
From Michael:
"A solo anti-clockwise circumnavigation of Ireland. Start at Dublin heading north and continue until I return to Dublin. Circumnavigation to raise funds for Pieta House, a suicide prevention charity, and the RNLI. "
From Michael:"Solo circumnavigation with a pause of 16 days off to take (pre-booked holidays in Portugal). Evidence of GPS tracking posted on FB."
PSK Link:
'See The Light'
- Ireland Circumnav
2017Start Point: Bulloch Harbour, Dublin
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 07-May-2017
Finish Date: 04-Jul-2017
Elapsed: 59 days
From the See The Light website:
“Here’s what I’m planning to do. I’m going to load up my kayak and start paddling south from Bullock Harbour, Dublin, on 7th May 2017, weather permitting. According to the road atlas (and other trip reports) it’s about a 1,500km journey to paddle all the way around Ireland, 1,535km according to my piece of string. It depends a bit on where one paddles, but this assumes I cut across most of the bays and take the short route wherever possible.I don’t know exactly how long it’s going to take me, because it depends on a lot of factors, but others have done it in between 23 and 97 days. There’s a list of most who’ve done it, some of whom I know and have paddled with.
This is not a record attempt, but I’m no slouch either, so all things considered I think it’s going to take me between 39 and 51 days elapsed. That works out at an average of between 35 and 45km on paddling days, assuming I paddle 6 days/week. All sounds plausible, but uncertain. It’s a bit rough and ready, but that’s the way it has to be right now.“
PSK Link:
'Anti Clockwise Eire'
- Ireland Circumnav
Gavin Lewis
Tavi Murray
Elan Winter
Start Point: Baltimore Hbr
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 09-Apr-2017
Finish Date: 24-May-2017
Elapsed: 46 days
From the Facebook page:
"Gavin, Elan, and Tavi are looking to kayak around Ireland in April and May 2017. They are planning on paddling around anti-clockwise, and at time of writing may be the first people to complete it in this direction.
Ireland is an island in the North Atlantic. It's the second largest island of the British Isles, the third largest in Europe, and the twentieth largest on Earth. The entire coastline of Ireland measures 3,171 kilometers. That includes every little bay + inlet.
To Kayak around Ireland, you need to commit to many open crossings, the longest being Donegal Bay at 50 plus kilometers. It's thought that most paddlers who completed the journey clockwise cover a distance of about 1200 to 1500 kilometers.
The three of us are working together as a team to complete this challenge, but we are all also completing this challenge for personal reasons. Each of us has our own charities to raise money and awareness for."
PSK Link:
Coastal Spirit
- Roof of Britain
Roger Chandler
Alan Riggott
Craig Young
Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 15-Apr-2017
Finish Date: 11-May-2017
Elapsed: 27 days
Commercial trip led by Level 5 Coach Roger Chandler:
"On the 15th April 2017 we begin our journey to paddle around the 'Roof of Britain' (RoB) a journey of 400 nm and with some of Britain's most exciting, committing and beautiful coastline. Basically its the top half of mainland Scotland, involving Cape Wrath and the Pentland Firth. "
PSK Link:
UK Coast 2 Coast
2017Start Point: Portishead
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 01-Jul-2017
Finish Date: ?
Elapsed: ? days
Mark is aiming to paddle a coast to coast route - starting at Porthishead nr. Bristol and finishing at Southend Pier, setting out in July 2017.
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2017Start Point: Ballycastle
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 17-Aug-2017
Finish Date: 03-Sep-2017
Elapsed: 18 days
PSK Link:
'Teddies on Tour'
- Ireland Circumnav
Frida Halvorsen
Vibeke Steinvåg
Ashley Williams
Start Point: Dun Laoghaire?
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 14-Jul-2017
Finish Date: 26-Aug-2017
Elapsed: 44 days
From the Donation page:
"Two friends and I set off this summer to kayak the 1600km coastline around Ireland. We are raising money for a children's cancer charity called 'Barnekreftforeningen.' The charity is run by parents of children with cancer or have had cancer to share support to other families. They also focus on fighting cancer by supporting resurch and education.
We are relying on people's help and generosity to make our trip possible. Thankfully a few companies have help us with various discounts and contributions but we still need to raise a great deal of funding to make this trip possible. The trip will take us six weeks minimum so being out of work for a few weeks will also make things a little tight. "
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2017Start Point: Howth
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 30-Jul-2017
Finish Date: 15-Aug-2017
Elapsed: 17 days
From Solo Kayak Around Ireland facebook page:
"Trip has now been spilt into sections and will continue as the weather allows. Weather is playing with the progress but Im having an amazing time. Record attempt hasn't been achievable since the first week of strong winds but i pushed on anyway. Haven only paddled 9 of the 16 days so far I've done pretty well to get to West Cork against everything that was in my way.Plan B will kick into place for a record attempt early next Spring but watch this space for updates and reports from the next part of this amazing trip.."
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
Claire Hughes
Barry Shaw
Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 01-Jul-2017
Finish Date: 01-Jul-2017
Elapsed: 1 days
Believed partially completed. Details unknown.
PSK Link:
'Around Britain kayak challenge 2017'
- GB Circumnavigation
2017Start Point: Whitby
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 05-Jun-2017
Finish Date: 29-Jun-2017
Elapsed: 25 days
From Andy's Blog:
"Hello, My name is Andy Swainston. I have set up this website and blog to raise awareness of PTSD within the emergency services, armed forces, members of the public, which can include carers or loved ones. One of the ways i’m going to do this is by kayaking around mainland Britain in June 2017."
Update from Facebook:
"Well folks I am writing this with a very heavy heart indeed. The challenge is over for me. I am just totally done in both mentally and physically. Went on the water today wind in face constant battering by the sea. I just seem to have had no luck this challenge and it has now taken it toll on me. I give it my best shot and more but it just wasn't enough.
I'm sorry to you all. You have all being such great supporters of this challenge and l have met some amazing people who I hope will remain good friends. Certain people had total faith in me to do this challenge and pushed me on from behind the scenes. To you I'm more sorry than you could ever imagine. I feel like I have let you down so much.
Sorry folks the weather finally broke me"
PSK Link:
- Ireland Circumnav
2017Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 02-May-2017
Finish Date: 28-Jun-2017
Elapsed: 58 days
From the onegirlandherkayak website:
"Caoimhe's website is here to Blog and document the struggles and training for her trip to solo the Island of Ireland that is due to take place at end May/June 2017. She hopes to Circumnavigate with as little support as possible - a daunting yet exciting adventure for a young female in Outdoors. She will also be raising money for a Mental Health Charity - more details to follow. Caoimhe will also be updating the website throughout my trip!! Keep up to date on Caoimhe's fears, excitement and definitley some comical incidents."
From Caoimhe's facebook page 28-Jun-17:
"Day 57 - With a heavy heart I have had to resume my around Ireland trip in Achill - such a beautiful place to finish! I have to go back to work in Wales, and next week I'll be bringing some youngsters to Malaysia for a challenge of their own - so I really need to get my head into gear for that. It's been a difficult decision as to when to stop. My challenge has been an amazing experience so far and I will be back to finish it but bad weather and time has got the better of me. Hopefully if work and commitments allow at the end of August/September. I have so many emotions at the minute, and I can't really believe that today I am not be getting back on the water with Séarlas. We've had some great and hard times!! I will write a blog about the end of Part 1 soon but until then... I cannot thank you all enough for the positivity, support and encouragement! The money we've raised has been unbelievable... it's just class! And although it has temporarily ended I promise to finish the trip for my charity - Inspire!"
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2016Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 25-Jun-2016
Finish Date: 16-Aug-2016
Elapsed: 53 days
Believed completed on 16th August - 53 days
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
Freya Hoffmeister
Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 03-Jul-2016
Finish Date: 14-Aug-2016
Elapsed: 43 days
Freya needs little introduction as an expedition sea kayaker, take a look at her website for the details of her long list of major expeditions.
PSK Link:
UK Coast to Coast
Steve Davis
Chris Harle
Start Point:
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 16-Jun-2016
Finish Date: 24-Jun-2016
Elapsed: 9 days
Completed in 2016 - 9 days
PSK Link:
GB Circumnavigation
Ailien Rhijnsburger
Start Point: London
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 10-Jun-2016
Finish Date: ?
Elapsed: ? days
From Ailien's website: "I decided it is about time I got back in a kayak and exchange my conversations with the squirrels for conversations with the seals. It is also time to see all those bits of the UK coastline I never had time or money for to see. So I am going on a 2.5 month celebratory trip!"
The plan: From 8 June, I intend to get into my brand new kayak and keep paddling clockwise around the country until mid August. It is probably not going to be a full circumnavigation, as I'd like to take my time to explore, meet people and have fun, so we will see how far I get. My goals: 1) explore this beautiful country that has been my home for the past 10 years. 2) meet up and spend time with fellow paddlers, nordic walkers and nature lovers or generally nice people, 3) learn more about the natural environment and wildlife 4) raise awareness and money for the Marine Conservation Society"
PSK Link:
Right Round Scotland
2015Start Point: Scotland Circumnav
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 26-Mar-2015
Finish Date: 01-Jan-2016
Elapsed: 282 days
Zoe Newsam set out in March to circumnavigate Scotland. Initially, she started on foot by walking from Berwick on the east coast to Annan on the west. She's now paddling clockwise around Scotland's coastline to return to Berwick. You can follow Zoe's progress on her blog.
From Zoe:
'I completed the last bit of my trip round Scotland on New Year's Day- albeit in unconventional style as far as PSK is concerned- by bike. Basically, pragmatism kicked in and I realised that if I was to fit the miles in by the end of 2015, weather and time meant that paddling wasn't going to work- so I cycled the final 570km across the north coast from Scourie to Wick, and down the east coast from Aberdeen to Berwick. Not a conventional circumnavigation by an stretch of the imagination, but then, what is...'
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
Dan McGonigle
Steve Miles
Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 23-Aug-2015
Finish Date: 25-Sep-2015
Elapsed: 34 days
Dan and Steve are planning to set off from Dun Laoghaire on the 23rd of August to attempt the Circumnav of Ireland. From Dan:" We are in (SKUK)Explorers and are just trying to get a quick time. " Sounds good to me.
PSK Link:
GB Circumnavigation
2015Start Point: U.K. Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 21-May-2015
Finish Date: 11-Aug-2015
Elapsed: 83 days
PSK Link:
'Paddling adventures'
- GB Circumnav
Katie Ellis
Lee Taylor
Start Point: U.K. Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 04-Apr-2015
Finish Date: 09-Aug-2015
Elapsed: 128 days
PSK Link:
GB Circumnavigation
2015Start Point: U.K. Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 25-Apr-2015
Finish Date: 16-Jul-2015
Elapsed: 83 days
From Stuart:
"I will be starting on the East coast on Saturday, around Grimsby. Then heading south in a Tiderace Pace 17. I have a flight back to Oz at the end of July so I'm hoping to be finished in time to catch the plane. I don't really have much of a plan beyond that. Hope to see some great coast, meet some people and 'experience' GB."
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2015Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 11-Jun-2015
Finish Date: 03-Jul-2015
Elapsed: 23 days
Mick has previously completed the Irish Circumnavigation back in 1990 as a part of a team. This time he sets out solo, aiming for the record?
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
Christian Dingenotto
Mirco Goldhausen
Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 03-May-2015
Finish Date: 25-Jun-2015
Elapsed: 54 days
Christain and Mirco are (I believe) a pair of sea kayakers from Germany. No details.
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2015Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 19-May-2015
Finish Date: 21-Jun-2015
Elapsed: 34 days
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
George Shaw
Keirron Tastagh
Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 15-May-2015
Finish Date: ?
Elapsed: ? days
George and Keirron are based on the Isle of Man and started their Ireland Circumnavigation attempt with a crossing from the I.O.M. Keirron owns 'Adventurous Experiences' on the I.O.M. George holds the circumnavigation record for the I.O.M. and is a Senior Coach at Adventurous Experiences.
PSK Link:
Right Round Scotland
2015Start Point: Scotland Circumnav
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 26-Mar-2015
Finish Date: 01-Jan-2016
Elapsed: 282 days
Zoe Newsam set out in March to circumnavigate Scotland. Initially, she started on foot by walking from Berwick on the east coast to Annan on the west. She's now paddling clockwise around Scotland's coastline to return to Berwick. You can follow Zoe's progress on her blog.
From Zoe:
'I completed the last bit of my trip round Scotland on New Year's Day- albeit in unconventional style as far as PSK is concerned- by bike. Basically, pragmatism kicked in and I realised that if I was to fit the miles in by the end of 2015, weather and time meant that paddling wasn't going to work- so I cycled the final 570km across the north coast from Scourie to Wick, and down the east coast from Aberdeen to Berwick. Not a conventional circumnavigation by an stretch of the imagination, but then, what is...'
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
Dan McGonigle
Steve Miles
Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 23-Aug-2015
Finish Date: 25-Sep-2015
Elapsed: 34 days
Dan and Steve are planning to set off from Dun Laoghaire on the 23rd of August to attempt the Circumnav of Ireland. From Dan:" We are in (SKUK)Explorers and are just trying to get a quick time. " Sounds good to me.
PSK Link:
GB Circumnavigation
2015Start Point: U.K. Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 21-May-2015
Finish Date: 11-Aug-2015
Elapsed: 83 days
PSK Link:
'Paddling adventures'
- GB Circumnav
Katie Ellis
Lee Taylor
Start Point: U.K. Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 04-Apr-2015
Finish Date: 09-Aug-2015
Elapsed: 128 days
PSK Link:
GB Circumnavigation
2015Start Point: U.K. Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 25-Apr-2015
Finish Date: 16-Jul-2015
Elapsed: 83 days
From Stuart:
"I will be starting on the East coast on Saturday, around Grimsby. Then heading south in a Tiderace Pace 17. I have a flight back to Oz at the end of July so I'm hoping to be finished in time to catch the plane. I don't really have much of a plan beyond that. Hope to see some great coast, meet some people and 'experience' GB."
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2015Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 11-Jun-2015
Finish Date: 03-Jul-2015
Elapsed: 23 days
Mick has previously completed the Irish Circumnavigation back in 1990 as a part of a team. This time he sets out solo, aiming for the record?
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
Christian Dingenotto
Mirco Goldhausen
Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 03-May-2015
Finish Date: 25-Jun-2015
Elapsed: 54 days
Christain and Mirco are (I believe) a pair of sea kayakers from Germany. No details.
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
2015Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 19-May-2015
Finish Date: 21-Jun-2015
Elapsed: 34 days
PSK Link:
Ireland Circumnavigation
George Shaw
Keirron Tastagh
Start Point: Ireland Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 15-May-2015
Finish Date: ?
Elapsed: ? days
George and Keirron are based on the Isle of Man and started their Ireland Circumnavigation attempt with a crossing from the I.O.M. Keirron owns 'Adventurous Experiences' on the I.O.M. George holds the circumnavigation record for the I.O.M. and is a Senior Coach at Adventurous Experiences.
PSK Link:
How About Alderney?
Chris Buckton
Mike Harding
Barry Robson
Ian Smith
Start Point: Swanage - Alderney
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 13-Jul-2014
Finish Date: 14-Jul-2014
Elapsed: 2 days
Quote from Chris Buckton:
"We are finalising the trip details soon but roughly we will be going from somewhere like Swanage and taking the ebb, flood and ebb so we end up NE or even ENE of Alderney for entry to Bray Harbour. We've got to stay well clear of the North of Alderney as there is the Swinge there with ferocious tides. The crossing is complex in that it cannot be about speed. The issues are that our speed must be relative so that we land in Braye at exactly the right time. Everything else is then back calculated so that the trip encompasses 2 ebb tides and 1 flood. This is so that we approach the island from the north east as opposed to the north west because of areas like the swinge.
Our speed over the ground will be variable because most of the time we will be beam on to the tides but on the last leg we can cover as much as 30 - 35 miles in 5 hours due to the very fast tidal streams close to the island and off the French coast..
We have a support boat provided by Absolute Aqua to sort out the safety side of things, including the AIS details so the tankers can see us etc.
There will be a mixture of kayaks used. I am using a reinstated Stealth "Fisha" or "Splash" 550 which is being built as we speak and shipped soon hopefully. Barry will either use the same or an Epic V6 that he is buying. Ian Smith runs surfskikayak and sell Epics so will either use a V8 or his own Selkie that is soon to be launched - it's only taken him 30 odd years to do but will be great to have a British built open cockpit as he calls it on the market. Mark is using a Hobie which personally I am extremely nervous about but he is a grown man and can make his own choices. Finally Mike Stroud will be using one of the Selkies once they are made.
As you can see we are trying to push the boundaries by showing that modern sit-on-tops are still capable of endurance trips."
PSK Link:
The Normandy Klepper Challenge
Ben Collins
Dwayne Cadwallader
Colin Richardson
Matt Allmond
Start Point: Poole Harbour to Arromanche-Les-Bains
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 04-Jun-2014
Finish Date: 20-Jun-2014
Elapsed: 17 days
From the website:
"A small team of 6 men will set off from England in 3 x 2 man canoes and will paddle their canoes out from Portland England, across the English Channel to France. After covering a total distance of around 200km and possibly enduring up to 40 hours at sea, they plan to arrive at a beach in Normandy on the 6th of June." - "This year marks the 70th anniversary of a major military operation (D-Day June 1944) in Normandy France, which is popularly believed to have been the beginning of the end of the war in Europe. The aim of this challenge is to pay respect to the thousands of men who sailed from England for the benefit of future generations in Europe and to raise money for 6 worthy charities."
**Update: 20/06/14 From the website: "Completed at 7:55am UK time on the 20 June! We are extremely proud of and thankful to all those who took part, or have contributed in any way to the success of this crossing. We are also extremely thankful to all those many hundreds of well wishers and supporters and to our families, who have urged the team on, or have contributed to the great amount of money we have raised for our 6 charities. A total amount is likely to exceed £20,000."
**UPDATE: 18/06/14 The Team are preparing for another go over the coming days. 04/06/14 From the Team's Facebook Page: "Thanks to everyone for all of the support. After a good start and after completing 25km, this attempt had to be aborted due to weather conditions, which increased the acceptable risk to the team. A second attempt will of course be made in the future; details of that and further information on this attempt will be posted on the website." **
PSK Link:
Beeline Britain
Nick Beighton
Adam Harmer
Tori James
Ian O'Grady
Start Point: Land's End - John O'Groats
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 18-May-2014
Finish Date: 13-Jun-2014
Elapsed: 27 days
From Beeline Britain: "Starting 18 May 2014 a team of four will attempt to become the first to complete a straight-line journey from one end of Britain to the other. This unique expedition has never been attempted before and is an audacious take on an iconic UK challenge. The route will travel through some of the most extreme coastal, mountain and urban environments that the UK has to offer. It guarantees to be incredibly challenging, both physically and mentally, but also hugely rewarding."
PSK Link:
1664 Challenge Kayak Team
_ Royal Marines
_ Royal Navy
Start Point: Normandy - Portsmouth
Finish Point:
Status: Complete
Start Date: 21-May-2014
Finish Date: 22-May-2014
Elapsed: 2 days
From 1664:
"On 21 May 2014 the 1664 Challenge Kayak Team will paddle from Port-en-Bessin in Normandy to Eastney, Portsmouth. The 1664 Challenge is a fundraising event that demonstrates the epitome of Commando Spirit and will be part of a wide ranging celebration of the 350th anniversary of the formation of Her Majesty's Royal Marines. All proceeds will go to the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund who provide crucial support that directly enhances the lives of injured comrades."
Royal Marines/ Royal Navy Team of 10
PSK Link:
Paddling Solo Around The South
2014Start Point: South Coast UK
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 18-Aug-2014
Finish Date: 06-Sep-2014
Elapsed: 20 days
from Simon:
" I've chosen Falmouth as my as my launch point as I would like to
get the southwest out of the way and also living in north devon if
there are any teething problems in the first few days it should be
slightly easier to fix them near home, if the weather is harsh it
also means I'll have bit of respite in the canals and if I have any
early weather days, I may be able to make up time on the non tidal
section. I chose the route as much as anything due to time
constraints, I've spent my life from early on in north London to the
coast of west sussex as a teenager to devon and cornwall as an
adult, and the region is somewhere I'm very much in love with, I
think my first yearning to go to sea was looking at HMS Belfast on the
Thames as a 6 year old and then later HMS victory in Portsmouth, but
I truly found my passion with the ocean firstly as a surfer and then a
kayaker in the southwest.
Almost all of my sea paddling is done alone. Through whitewater and
surf kayaking i learnt to enjoy turbulence and as a result I never
feared the sea, and the revelation of being able to self rescue in a
sea kayak made me love it all the more. Having an area like hartland
point and the Bideford bar I'm lost as to why Not everyone sea
Im a surf and inland coach, although my job sees me doing a wide
variety of watersports including surf and powerboat instruction. I
Adore the ocean and this is a cool oportunity to see my home from the
water I'm raising money for MCS as they too adore the oceans and our
Finally I guess Is the plastic boat situation..... firstly I
think a lot of people shy away from plastic as they see it as a poor
cousin to composite, and dont want to be seen as inadequate (although
our actions are in reality the measure of us not our equipment),
there's a sustainability question too.... modern composites are
arguably greener than plastic in manufacture whereas plastic should be
more durable lasting longer and ultimately be recycleable.. none of
this is as yet set in stone, if a manufacturer offered me a boat for
my trip I'd be insane not to take it, however my P+H Scorpio is what I
currently have so will be what I attempt the trip in..... it'll be
infinitely better than the baidarka explorer I once owned! "
**Update: 06/09/14 From Simon's Blog:
"Waking to rain after a night sleeping beneath a flight path. I muttered and grumbled and went back to sleep for a couple of hours having decided that today I would make Bristol and close this chapter until an appropriate time in the future,...I'm glad I reached Bristol and I'm glad I made it in the fashion that I did. The last 2 days were tough, but ultimately really quite cool..... 850 miles seems daft now but it wouldnt have under different circumstances life nor weather nor oceans travel in straight lines on occasion you gotta go with the flow."
PSK Link:
'The Great Paddle Round'
- GB Coastline
2014Start Point: UK Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 08-Jun-2014
Finish Date: 29-Jun-2014
Elapsed: 22 days
From Richard:
"Richard Hunt is a Royal Navy veteran amputee who will attempt to kayak around the entire coast of the UK in aid of BLESMA (British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association) a distance of some 2300 miles. This will be the first time that this has been done by an amputee (or anybody for that matter) using a sit-on-top kayak.
Richard intends to become the first above knee amputee to successfully circumnavigate the UK - a distance of approximately 2300 miles - using a Tootega expedition grade sit-on-top kayak. This will be a solo undertaking with the back up of a shore crew, although at certain points during the journey kayakers will be invited to join Richard by 'buying a leg', ie. getting themselves sponsored, and thus become part of this extrodinary challenge. The journey is expected to take around 4 months, but this is of course dependent on the weather. However long it takes Richard is determined to succeed and complete the challenge."
PSK Link:
Back to Blighty
Barry Ashdown
David Chalstrey
Mark Rainsley
Start Point: Cherbourg to Swanage
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 08-May-2014
Finish Date: 08-May-2014
Elapsed: 1 days
From Mark:
"David came up with the idea of the kaykaing the English Channel and we decided Cherbourg to Swanage would be a challenge. David called it ‘Back to Blighty’ and I can recall saying that we should wear a silly hat or something. I thought the traditional Bowler hat would be good and so the challenge name was born. It is our intention to use ‘Bowlers to you’ as a name to represent our adventure activities and 'Back to Blighty' represents the kayak challenge. Bowlers to you and back to Blighty!
David and I thought about the kayaking challenge and whilst we know it will be an adventure we also thought about raising money for two charities. David is raising money for Dorset Youth Association and I am raising money for leukaemia and Lymphoma Research. Please see the giving page to make a kind donation. Barry I started kayaking at 14 years old and enjoy various kayak disciplines such as white-water, surfing and sea kayaking. This challenge will ceratinly be the longest distance I have paddled and I am sure it will feel like it too! We have planned to kayak to The Scilly Isles, circumnavigate the Isle of Wight along with many Jurrassic Coast paddles as part of the training. Well I will look forward to completing this challenge and keeping you up to speed with our whacky adventures. I would like to say and a huge thank you to all those that sponsor (see our sponsors page) us be it financially or with equipment etc."
PSK Link:
'Eat, Sleep, Paddle'
- Circumnavigation of Ireland
Paul Lazenby-Barrett
Rhys Hunt
Start Point: Irish Coastline
Finish Point:
Status: Abandoned
Start Date: 01-Apr-2014
Finish Date: 11-Apr-2014
Elapsed: 11 days
Paul Barret and Rhys Hunt intend to circumnavigate the coastline of Ireland and Northern Ireland. This is a challenging trip with the West Coast being fully exposed to the swells of the North Atlantic.
** Update: From the ESP FB page 11/04/14 - "After a total re evaluation of the trip it is with much regret that myself and Rhys have decided to stop the expedition. Eight days of initial high winds combined with some serious equipment issues make it the right decision. It has been a massive learning experience and we will be re attempting the circumnavigation together again in the not so distant future."
PSK Link:
The Flying Northman - KinSale to HanseSail
2014Start Point: Southern Ireland to Northern Germany
Finish Point:
Status: Ongoing
Start Date: 01-Jun-2015
Finish Date:
Elapsed: 3587 days
Hendrik intends to paddle/sail from his home in Ireland to his home town on the North German coastline.
PSK Link:
Records Total: 71