Rockabill Lighthouse:Ian Kavanagh

PSK Lighthouse Challenge 2025

The PSK Lighthouse Challenge.

Paddle around a lighthouse.
Points for how far you paddle.
You choose the start and finish point.
Bonus points for new lighthouses, extra lighthouses and offshore lighthouses.

  • 1 pt per km
Bonus Points:
  • Offshore lighthouses - Trip distance multiplied by lighthouse offshore distance
  • Adding a new lighthouse to the challenge (+5%)
  • Multiple lighthouses in a trip (+5% per extra light)
  • Bonus points for a nice lighthouse photo from your trip (+5%)
  • Details Here
Image: Rockabill - Ian Kavanagh
* updated 19-Jan-2025 *

100 Lighthouse Challenge Leaderboard

Click column header to sort

11Dave Cutts2273
21Kathy Webb2273
33Oliver Millington1146
44Tash Ó Treasaigh1126

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Selected: 0 -

Bonus %Points
0 kmTotal Points:0

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2025 - Lighthouses

LighthousesCountrylatlonBNGOffshoreFirst PaddledFirst PaddlerVisits
1Ballycotton LighthouseIreland51.825-7.984xxx103-Jan-25Tash Ó Treasaigh1
2Fladda LighthouseScotland56.248-5.680NM 720,1221.526-Feb-25Oliver Millington1
3Skerries LighthouseWales53.421-4.608SH 267,947307-Mar-25Kathy Webb2
4St. Tudwal's LighthouseWales52.798-4.471SH 334,251103-Mar-25Kathy Webb2
Total: 6

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PSK 100 Lighthouse Challenge - 2024

This Challenge is new for 2024 - Please Note The Rules Are Currently Provisional And May Change

  • Paddle around a lighthouse
  • Record it on GPS
  • Points for how far you paddle - plus bonus points!


This is a new challenge, there maybe significant changes until 1st Feb 2024. Please bear that in mind.
  • Paddle a trip that goes around a lighthouse, simple.
  • You get points for the distance covered during your trip - 1 pt per km.
  • Trip Points are multiplied by the lighthouse distance offshore.
  • You chose your start and finish point.
  • 2 day trip length limit for multi-day trips
  • Points for:
    • 1 pt per km trip length
    • Offshore lighthouse adjustment - Total Points = trip distance (km) multiplied by lighthouse distance offshore (km)
    • New lighthouse (new to the challenge): + 5%
    • Multiple lighthouses in a trip: +5% per extra light
    • A photo of the light as you paddle around it: +5%

Eligible Lighthouses

  • It must be marked on reputable map or chart.
  • It must be a building or tower designed and built for maritime navigation purposes and should have internal human access.
  • Operational light vessels count.
  • Nav or lighting marker posts etc. do not count.
  • The definition of a lighthouse for this challenge can be difficult with so many variations - please be reasonable. PSK make the final decision.


  • 1 pt per km of your trip length - as decided by PSK from your GPS Track.
  • Offshore Lighthouse: Total Points = trip length multiplied by lighthouse km distance offshore.
  • The Offshore Distance reflects the open water distance crossed to reach the landmass the light resides on.
  • The Offshore Distance is taken as the straight-line km distance between the landmass the light is on and the nearest landmass with a public highway marked as suitable for motorised traffic, or with a permanent inhabited settlement. Both as decided by PSK.
  • Offshore distance rounded to nearest 0.5 km, minimum of 1 km.
  • New lighthouse (new to the challenge): + 5% of total points
  • Multiple lighthouses in a trip: + 5% of total points per extra light
  • A photo of the light as you paddle around it: + 5% of total points
  • All distances are measured by PSK.


  • In order to count, any lighthouse is to be rounded with a distinct full-lap circumnavigation which completes at the start point for that lap.
  • For multiple lighthouses in one trip: each lighthouse must have a distinct full-lap circumnav before moving onto the next one in order to count. Please paddle all the way around the lighthouse before moving on to the next one!
  • If you can't paddle around them sequentially then only one will count.
  • No portages allowed. If you can't paddle around it you can't add it.
  • You have to paddle around it during your trip. If the lighthouse is dry when you get there, then you have to do it again when it isn't.
  • For multi-day trips there is a max trip length of 2 sequential calendar days. For trips longer than this the 2 days of/around your lighthouse day count for points.
  • Open to Solo paddlers, Teams and K2/Doubles. Paddlers are recorded individually.
  • Trips may be single or multi-day, but are to be undertaken within a 'continuous trip'.
  • All trips to be recorded on GPS.
  • No backdated trips - entries from 01-Jan-2024 onwards.
  • No entries from paddles within organised events
  • UK Mainland and Ireland circumnavs are excluded.
  • Lighthouse Challenge paddles are eligible to 'double-up' on other PSK pages i.e. 1000 Islands Challenge or Eddystone Rocks Challenge etc
  • Note: If your island lap is also eligible for other PSK pages (i.e. an island that is recorded on the Circumnav pages for example) then we expect to display it on all eligible pages.
  • Avoid disturbance to wildlife at all times.
  • This is a collaborative challenge for fun, please enter into the spirit of things.

Submit a lap


  • Kayak, Ski, SUP or Canoe - Any craft you choose must be specifically designed to be suitable for your chosen venue and conditions, and it must be in a seaworthy and safe condition.
  • All paddlers should be capable of paddling their chosen craft safely in all possible conditions for the chosen location.
  • All craft are to be rendered unsinkable, either by manufacturer design (bulkheads etc.) or via extra buoyancy devices (fitted airbags etc.)
  • We do not consider inflatable craft as suitable for this challenge.


  • No sails, motors, support craft etc. - human paddle power only.
  • No assistance from outside the paddling group.


  • All paddlers must undertake an assessment of risk - for their chosen route, venue, craft, personal ability and conditions.
  • Ensure you and your group are capable of handling any conditions or hazards possible on your chosen route.
  • The management of any risk is entirely the responsibility of the paddler(s).
  • Ensure your route avoids any exclusions or danger areas. Avoid shipping channels where possible and follow all local/national regulations as applicable.
  • We make no claim or assurance that any of the lighthouses listed are fully navigable. YOU need to research and plan to ensure your chosen route is a safe and realistic proposition.
  • Paddlers are to wear a PFD (Personal Flotation Device) at all times whilst on the water.
  • PFDs should meet ISO 12402 or be CE approved, and must be in good condition.
  • Helmets and leashes should be worn where applicable (helmets on moving/shallow water - quick-release leashes on Skis, SUP's etc where necessary).
  • All craft are to be rendered unsinkable, either by manufacturer design (bulkheads etc.) or via extra buoyancy devices (fitted airbags etc.)
  • Safety equipment such as VHF radio, PLB, flares, mobile phone, map, compass, shelter etc. should be carried as deemed appropriate in your risk assesment.
  • Leave details of your route and time of return with a shore party and inform HM Coastguard as necessary.
  • If you choose to paddle solo be aware of the significant extra risks involved.
  • If you have any doubts - THEN DO NOT GO!
* Info updated 15-Jan-2024 *
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