PSK Rules and Info
Military Ranges
The following text is from Steve Bunston (Capability Manager, MOD Aberporth Range):
Crossing Ministry of Defence (MOD) Ranges
The key challenge for the Range operators is being made aware of your presence. While the temptation may be to revert to stealth tactics and ignore the warnings, to do so could place you and others at serious risk to life and limb. Following the ‘Do’s and Don’t’s’ guide below should help you have a safe and hazard free passage.
- Contact Range Control either by phone or VHF a few days ahead of your intended crossing to discuss your proposed route and to ascertain good and bad times to cross.
- Contact Range Control on the day to confirm your intentions, likely time of entry & exit and to ensure there have not been any changes to Range activity since your previous call.
- Contact the Range when you exit.
- Recognise that the Range has a programme to deliver – flexibility and clarity on all sides is the key to safety.
- ...make fellow kayakers aware of this message!
- ...assume that sticking close to the coast and not contacting Range Control will keep you out of harm. There is a reason why it’s called a Danger Area!
- ...assume that the Danger Area is safe simply because you can’t see or hear any activity.
- ...press on regardless if you have been advised it is not safe to enter.
- ...don’t forget to contact Range Control when you exit.
Thank you for your cooperation.
MOD Aberporth Range
The MOD Aberporth Range has a sea Danger Area which covers a large area of Cardigan Bay. Before setting out on any trip into that area you are strongly advised to familiarise yourself with area. Please refer to the attached map. (It may be larger than you expect - PSK)
Normal Range operating hours are 09:00 hrs until 17:00 hrs Monday to Friday but it does occasionally operate outside these hours and can include weekends. Activity varies on a daily basis and although there will be opportunities to transit through the Danger Area safely, please note that it is a live firing area and for your own safety you will need to contact Range Control on 01239 813480 or VHF Ch16 before entering.
A detailed Range programme is produced every Friday and sets out the schedule for the following two weeks. Your safety, and that of the Range users, is of paramount importance and while Range Control can advise you on which are potentially the best days to transit the Danger Area please note that that the programme can be subject to last minute changes due to unforeseen circumstances. The nature of the activity on the Range, combined with the weather conditions on the day may help, hinder or delay your safe passage.
If you would like further information about the type of activity which takes place at MOD Aberporth, please visit http://www.ltpa.co.uk/site_range/aberporth/index.asp
(A call to the local H.M. Coastguard may also be useful in obtaining details of range usage or contact details. Contact details may also be found in Reeds Nautical Almanac - However, as Steve points out, the contact details within the Nautical Almanac don't always put you in touch with the person you really need to speak to - PSK)