Performance Sea Kayak - Journal Guidelines
Here we hope to publish a few articles that may interest those of the Performance Sea Kayaking ilk. We don’t claim that these will be ground-breaking, life-changing, or even have plenty of fancy photos. However what we aim to do is publish a monthly article that may interest, inform or entertain - and could be said to be linked, vaguely perhaps, to the phrase – ‘Performance Sea Kayaking’. Trip write-ups, training tips, kit reviews, vague paddling thoughts or even just your side of the story, we’re looking forward to an eclectic mix.
Some will be written in-house at PSK Towers, but hopefully the majority won’t. We hope that any and all who can tell an interesting tale, or fill our brains with useful info will take the opportunity to drop us a line or two – via the Contact Us page.
If you would like to contribue to the PSK Journal we would love to hear from you.
We are looking for articles that will Interest, Inform or Entertain, and are linked to the theme of 'Performance Sea Kayaking'. Your experience, experiences, knowledge or even just opinions - from trip reports to technical. We are looking for anything that will interest the reader - and is written for them.
In this world of digital narcissism we differ in that we don't really want articles of self-promotion or self-congratulation. Likewise we are not too interested in articles that are purely advertisements or plugs for business, charities, expeds or blogs. PSK is about the paddling and the paddler.
We prefer articles that are written with the reader in mind, rather than the writer.
If you do want publicity for your paddling exploits then that goes on the PSK News page.
Word Count
- Whatever length you want.
- 1500-2500 words is a guide, but longer or shorter is not a problem.
- If it is 'too' long then we will just 'serialise' it. More space filled with less work for us!
We can work with most formats but prefer the following if possible:- Microsoft Word .doc / .docx
- Adobe .pdf
- Open Office .docx / .odt
- Please send a selection of relevant .jpg images to accompany your text.
- It is easier for us if images are sent separately rather than embedded into the text of your article.
- Please identify each image with a short description or a descriptive filename, then we can add a caption.
- Any size will do, but we will probably display at 1024x768
We are interested to hear from anybody and everybody - any level, any experience - as long as you have something interesting to tell.
Go on, get in touch...