Climbing Snowdonia

Climbing Snowdonia. Like many people, I’ve been chasing the clock for years, decades even. The numbers tells it how it is, there are no excuses. And yet, there is a gap in the tangibility somehow. One run you are 15 secs up, the next 15 down. It ebbs and flows, without a distinct conclusion. But …

Windy Squares

This was a training session we paddled at Broadford on the Isle of Skye as we waited for a gap in the weather for my Skye Circumnav attempt in 2021. As the wind was determined not to give us a break, we thought we might as well get into the spirit of things – it …

Bridge Farts.

Back on the canal today, for one of the sessions I enjoy – Bridge Fa(h)rts. This stretch of the Lancaster Canal lends itself nicely to this session – basically paddle a mixed intervals session, using the gaps between the bridges to dictate the work/rest periods. So the format here: Paddle out for an extended 30′ …

Frustration Loop

Frustration Loop. The session was a dozen laps of Ynys Gored Goch in the Swellies. Paddling on the flood, each lap of the island is around the 4 mins mark and means a challenging climb against the flood tide at the top of each lap. Today the stiff W wind also complicated the climbs somewhat. …

Wing Paddles

Wings The often discussed question in the sea kayaking world is whether a wing paddle improves performance. In a competition environment, there is no doubt that a wing paddle gives a performance advantage for the forward stroke over a flat paddle, and hence it is established in sprint, marathon, ocean ski racing and wild water …