Climbing Snowdonia

Climbing Snowdonia. Like many people, I’ve been chasing the clock for years, decades even. The numbers tells it how it is, there are no excuses. And yet, there is a gap in the tangibility somehow. One run you are 15 secs up, the next 15 down. It ebbs and flows, without a distinct conclusion. But …

Killer 8s

It looks like a bunch of squiggles on the GPS track, but it is actually 4 runs of the Killer 8s session. The original Killer Islands sess is a simple one, start on either Bangor shore or Anglesey shore, round the island (Gored Goch – GG) and return to the start point – paddle hard …

Windy Squares

This was a training session we paddled at Broadford on the Isle of Skye as we waited for a gap in the weather for my Skye Circumnav attempt in 2021. As the wind was determined not to give us a break, we thought we might as well get into the spirit of things – it …