8 min on 2 min off

Decisions, decisions… Conditions made for a few distractions tonight. The training plan was for: 5 x 8′ on – 2′ off or A bit of fun in the Wind Over tide (WOT) below the bridge. Better still, do 8′ on 2′ off in the waves, paddling hard, pushing through the waves and chasing the packets. …

Brittania Bridge Loops

This week’s group session was working down at Brittania Bridge for a bit of a change. Warm-Up Paddle down from Menai Bridge slip to Gored Goch for initial warm-up (WU) and then 2nd WU from GG to the Brittania Bridge (BB) Orange buoy (Anglesey shore) – 2 min on 1′ off at ‘fast-cruise’ pace. Any …

Frustration Loop

Frustration Loop. The session was a dozen laps of Ynys Gored Goch in the Swellies. Paddling on the flood, each lap of the island is around the 4 mins mark and means a challenging climb against the flood tide at the top of each lap. Today the stiff W wind also complicated the climbs somewhat. …

Wing Paddles

Wings The often discussed question in the sea kayaking world is whether a wing paddle improves performance. In a competition environment, there is no doubt that a wing paddle gives a performance advantage for the forward stroke over a flat paddle, and hence it is established in sprint, marathon, ocean ski racing and wild water …

Wales Circumnav – ‘Turning the Corner’

by Penelope Goodber A Circumnavigation of Wales in times of Covid   Start: Llangedwyn Mill Bridge, N Powys 13th March 2019 End: The Anglesey Arms, Caernarfon, 18th March 2022 Inland section: Going south: Rivers Tanat, Vyrnwy, Severn, Gloucestershire Ship Canal, Severn Estuary, Going north: Montgomeryshire Canal, Ellesmere Canal, River Dee, Dee Estuary Outland section: The …